
people who do not belong anywhere, really belong to the world."

"...people who do not belong anywhere, really belong to the world."

As a person who does not particularly belong to any single place, I liked this quote from a Japan Times article featuring Sophia professor Matsuo.

I think anyone who has lived in a different culture or two can relate to this. After living together with people from a different culture, I think we begin to realize that our most important identity is "human" more than any smaller category such as American or Japanese

I think it takes time for people to realize that they do not primarily belong to one small social or cultural category of humans, but many. For example, I consider myself having a Californian (born, raised), Seattlian (college), a Tokyo-ite (high school, now), and a Nagano-ken (most of my childhood) identity among others such as 1970s born, male, heterosexual, ex?-Christian, missionary kid (still), language instructor and researcher, Dad, husband, marathon runner, beer lover and so on.

Without doubt, all of us are multicultural; we just don't accept that fact until we feel out of place in one of the monocultures we thought we belonged to or happen to be lucky enough to feel at home in a new culture.


RW/WW Atwell Chapter 9: Valuing and Evaluating

Although Atwell addresses the practical question of assigning grades, her main focus in this chapter is how evaluations can "nuture" students by helping them reflect on their learning and encouraging them to set goals to "do it better next time" (p.327). Atwell currently works in a program that does not give grades because "A student's incentive is THE WORK ITSELF" (p.321素晴らしい!). Evaluation consists of student self-assessment, teacher assessment, and a three-way conference including parents.
  • Student self-assessment is done using a end-of-term questionnaire including a mix of specific questions (how many pieces did you write?) and global questions (how have you grown as a writer? etc., p.303-12 have many question samples).
  • Teacher evaluation by Atwell is done by reviewing the student's portfolio of writings, journal, spelling/editing checklists and other evidence to see active participation in the workshop according to the guidelines.
  • Another part of teacher evaluation is measuring progress toward a set of goals that the student and Atwell set together (mostly by Atwell's listing of what she thinks are "two or three high priority goals" p.315 for the student) at the end of the previous term. Apparently Atwell writes down goals she thinks the student should pursue and the student adds one or more.
  • She never grades individual pieces of writing, and she tries to value the attempt to try something difficult or new, even if it fails (p.313).
  • The three-way evaluation conference with parents is only mentioned and not explained--it seems to be more of a showcase than an evaluation. She also seem to have a teacher-student evaluation conference, where she poses a set of evaluation questions such as "What does someone have to be in order to be a good writer?" and students need to answer them orally while she takes notes. Students need to prepare for this oral exam like evaluation conference.
My reaction 考えたこと・やってみたいこと・問いたいこと:


p. 301 "...I have to figure out how to put students' self-appraisals at the heart of the evaluation process." Atwellは自己評価こそ最も重要な評価として位置づけるべきと論じている。この哲学は良さそうに聞こえるが、実際にやるのは難しい。自分もまだ試行錯誤中である。






1)学生は「良いもの」の一般的な基準・目標を良く理解していて、それに向けて努力や工夫をし、自分の作品集や学習実績に対してある程度正確な自己評価をくだす。そして仲間同士の評価の交換により自己評価の中身もより豊かにする。自己評価の過程において「良いもの」の基準をより熟知するし、自分の目標もより明確に見えてくるはずである。自分がある目標に向けて行った努力がどのような実を結んだのか、その過程を意識することにもつながる。そしてそのWriting, Reading, Mathなどの分野において「自分の目標」を設定し、それについて語ることが上手になる。


  • 例えば、WritingやSpeakingのクラスで「良いもの」を共に考えるより、自分が「これが良いWriting/Speakingだ」と一方的に説明している。例を示して一緒に基準の項目リストを作るなど、まだまだ改善が必要。今のプログラムの中ではそんな時間がないという言い訳でやっていないが、やればできる。
  • 課題のDesignにおいてもまだ評価基準に「自己評価をした」「Peer評価をした」という項目が評価対象として入っていない課題がある。これも改善が必要。
  • 何が良い「自己評価」なのかという基準もまだ良く分かっていない。Atwellもかなり毎年変えているらしいが、どんな自己評価の質問が意味があるのか。
  • 2~3ヶ月だけの短い時間共に学習する場合、目標設定をして、それに対するProgressを測るのは難しい部分もある。設定だけしても、その後に何かフォローしないと意味がないが、どういうフォローアップができるのか。
  • Effort‘・Participationをどう測るのか。Portfolio, Journal, 日頃の態度、ある程度客観的にできるが、最終的には主観的なものだから教師としての自分の感を信じる必要がある。これは難しい場合もある。
ということで、このChapter 9は今の自分の授業の評価方法を問い直す良い機会となりました。少しづつNurturingでEncouragingでMeaningfulな自己評価中心の評価過程になるように頑張りま~す!


