
RW/WW Atwell Chapter 3: Making the Best of Adolescence

I teach college students. Atwell teaches middle school students. However, I feel that a lot of what she says about how to create effective learning for her adolescents learning English literature as a first language can correspond to designing reading and writing learning for college students in Japan studying English as a foreign language.

Atwell's main point in this chapter is summed up well in her last sentence, "We make the best of adolescence when we make the classroom the best context we can for the mercurial minds at work and play there" (p.85). Traditional instruction for adolescents tended to focus on keeping the kids busy and regimented with teacher-centered teaching that imposed uniformity and discipline, guarded by arcane rules, tracking of "good" and "bad" students, and systems of punishments. Atwell argues that the key to success in developing the minds of adolescents through reading and writing is to respect and meet their social and intellectual needs through a "workshop" system: Allowing independence and responsibility as a reader and writer to choose books and writing topics. Allowing social interaction and collaboration to discuss ideas and exchange feedback. Allowing students to surprise the teacher with their unique experiences, emotions and insights in poems, stories, and reactions to literature. The poetry written by Atwell's students is ample evidence of the sophistication of unleashed adolescent minds working together in an accomodating literate environment.







ICUの学生 VS. Atwellの生徒
「違いTOP THREE」と「だから何?」

  • 違い① 母国語と外国語: 

  • 違い② 中学生と大学生の学習動機: 
    Atwellの中学生と違い、ICU生はある程度同じような英語学習目標をもって大学に入ってきているので的を絞ったEnglish for Academic Purposesの一斉授業から十分学べるのではないだろうか。もちろんEAPに興味ない大学生もいるが、入学の時点でICUのシステムに入るという選択がされているのでプログラムがあるのはそれほど問題ない?

  • 違い③ 考え中。。。

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