
RW/WW Atwell Chapter 4: Getting Ready

This was a very informative, practical chapter on how Atwell prepares
Tracking/Monitoring systems
for her workshop style classes



p.91 Preparing "Time" = 3 class periods per week to help kids "conceive topics, sustain projects, and behave as writers"

p. 92 With tough schedule requirements "I might never compose anything I liked or cared about" "Good writers and writing don't take less time; they take more." p.93 "With adequate time to detour--to take risks and reflect on the results--writers learn how to consider what's working and what needs more work, to apply my teaching to their writing, and to take control."

p.95-96 About making time to read (or write) in the classroom "The best readers are those who read a lot" (and adolescents often cannot make time outside class to read)

p.97 "...the in-class time sets a a tone and creates a milieu: a group of kids and a teacher who read together an talk about books." (In a required curriculum, carve out workshop time)





p.99 "...samples of writing by students, professionals, and me, organized by genre. ...effective"
Nice list of genres on p.100 -> clip or copy nice samples and add to files...files of authors...publication center...1000 volumes of novels and nonfiction (See Appendix L + M for best books recommended by students)

p.103 using an easel with poster paper to take notes that stay as a reference (better than a blackboard) "puts me into the circle with them." p.104 Conference areas to keep the room quiet

Materialsのところでは、Writingのサンプルを大量に用意するところがすばらしいと思った。今ICUのELPではまだまだ学生に様々なタイプのWritingを見せることが少ない。PublicationCenterもすごい!Argumentantive Essayはどうしても「課題」っぽくて誰にも見せる気がしない場合が多い。ICUでPublishing目的でもっとExpository/persuasive writingができないだろうか。Japan Timesに最近Hotline to Nagata-ChoというCornerがあるが、学生にそこに出るぐらいのpieceを書いて欲しい。

Easelの使用もとてもAtwellの教育愛を物語っていると思った。使ってみたいなぁ。パソコンやelectronic whiteboardで似たような感じで記録は残せるが、記録として残る大きな紙をみんなで囲んでBrainstormingする雰囲気にちょっと憧れる。


p.105 Color and form coordination of folders - spelling / homework / text-lyrics, daily writing, permanent writing, reading) - Buy them for students- Also, require a composition/reading journal notebook and writing-reading handbook.

p.106 "The system of record keeping I've created puts major responsibility on individuals"

p.107 Status of the class sheets - Making notes to be sure to talk with struggling students, post-its to leave reminders, note ad-hoc assignments given to writers. Note reading homework progress by checking what book/page they are on quietly - What do I really need to know?

学生のニーズをTrackingして把握し、苦労している学生や個人に合ったAd-Hoc課題を出すAtwellはすごい。自分はもっと学生の実態を把握するべき。Dialogue Journalなどがそれに役立つと思う。

Appendix D, E = Wow, powerful questions. How did you learn to write??

Keeping Trackのところでは自由でありながらVeryOrganizedなシステムの重要性を再確認。Appendix D/EのSurveyのAre you a writer? How did you learn to write?というPowerfulな質問には感動。システム、Rules,Expectationsが明確だと

p.111 Expectations - "Right from the start I hope for rich, authentic, adult-like experiences for my students." Try 4 basic genres-fiction, memoir, poetry, and exposition - produce quantity, develop criteria, bring pieces to final writing....nice list.

Authentic, Adult-like experiencesをテーマにしたExpectations Listはすごい。ICU ELPの自分のAcademic Englishの学生に必用そうなItemは以下に英語でNoteしました。
For ICU ELP students, especially usable writing expectations seem to be:
-Find topics that matter to your life, make your own decisions about what is working or not working, comment on others' writing helpfully, maintain a record of writing/reading, individualized proofreading list/spelling, set goals  p.112 Take a deliberate stance toward writing well: Try to make all of your (academic) writing literature.

p.113 Reading expectations: こんなReading Expectationsのある授業を自分も受けたかった!自分の好みの作家・作風を探すなんてすごい。やはりWorkshopを通してしかそれはできないだろう。一斉授業しか受けていない自分はそれが出来なかったのが悔しい。





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