Since late last year, Michael is officially soccer crazy. Or, "football" crazy if you prefer. He has developed an appreciation for the beautiful game.
Every weekend is full of soccer. Every weekday too. All things considered, this is a good obsession. He could do worse, like being obsessed with chopping off people's heads in a Nintendo game, so we're fanning this obsession and seeing where it will go.
His preschool soccer team called "Sol Kids" (yes, the Spanish for "sun" mixed with English--very common in Japanese soccer team names) often has practice on Wednesday and Saturday. I take him on Saturday and I love it when the Dads get to play against the hordes of 4 and 5 year olds. He's in his second year on the team and what he does on the field is actually starting to look like soccer, rather than a mosh pit or a lynching mob (of the ball, fortunately).
Then, even after practice, he still wants to play soccer, so we have two systems:
Indoor soccer in our tatami room with a cloth ball
Outdoor soccer in a park right in front of our house using the mini-goals we bought
This can continue for hours until Dad is exhausted.
Then, at night, he wants to watch English Premier league soccer or other matches on and he wants to check J-league and Premier league scores and rankings endlessly on the Internet sports sites. For some reason, probably because of the blue uniform, he is a Chelsea fan with a particular love of the midfielder Lampard. is soccer camp for the summer? Girls soccer for his little sister?
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