
Getting students to contribute to the Net

This is still a half-baked thought, but I want students in all of my classes to participate in the construction of knowledge on the Internet.

For example, why not have a project where students create or edit a Wikipedia article?

Why not ask students to write book reviews on Amazon, or movie reviews on IMDB, the internet movie database?

Why not have students pose their questions on Yahoo Answers and share what they get?

Tagging for social bookmarking like Delicious contributes to sorting knowledge for others.

Creating something in WikiHow is another way.

When students see videos on TED.com, why should be writing comments and rating the presenters.

Presentations they make, or essays they write should be shared as knowledge on YouTube or other sites as a contribution to research.

If they have such goals in mind, they may be motivated to make their ideas clearer and their research more complete.

I need to do some research on what kind of classroom projects for high schools or colleges have reached out of the classroom in that way. In January, one of my classes will be doing a major group project, so I hope I can tie something in.

More on this again some time.

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