
ARW Notes for 2/1, 2/3: Critical Reactions to Wagar


Discussion groups summarized and critiqued Wagar's predictions regarding the 3 Futures. The students' ideas, critical reactions, and my comments (coming soon) will be summarized on this collaborative Google Document.

I think all groups came up with good critiques on why Wagar's predictions of global change toward socialism, communism, and space colonization are not very likely. Of course, his predictions have the possibility to come true, so the critiques need to recognize some value in his idealistic scenarios, but at the same time should point how human nature may not allow such utopias to ever exist in a sustainable way.

On the point of space colonization, travel, and contact with alien races, I wanted to let everyone know that money is being spent on searching for signals from intelligent life, so I showed a few minutes of the TED video above regarding the SETI project.

I hope everyone will listen to the whole thing to consider whether it is a good application of science budgets or not.

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