
Is ICU creating life-long English readers and writers?

ICU is a leader in English education in Japan.

People from other universities tell me this, and I feel it as an instructor in the ELP here. The students show generally high satisfaction on surveys, and companies seem to appreciate the quality of our graduates. ICU's leadership in the field also seems supported by the fact that many top universities like Tokyo U. have recently initiating programs similar to ICU's ELP and college of liberal arts. We get good students and drive 'em hard with a demanding curriculum similar in many ways to a college writing class in the US, and most students thank us for what we do.

ICU is doing many things well, but one question I asked myself today was: Are we nurturing lifelong writers and readers? After students leave the ELP, are they independent readers who know the joy and reward of reading in English and seek out new books on their own? Are they independent writers who know the value of writing for various life purposes (not just university assignments)? Or are we creating students who see English as something they do only as needed for grades or job requirements??

This question was born from a research group on reading/writing I am part of, and weighed heavily on my mind today as I attended a faculty discussion on the future direction of English education at ICU.

I want to do a survey of ICU students to see whether they have really developed as readers and writers in English. Where and when would I do that? One idea is to send an email survey to some of the seniors who I taught several years ago in the first year program.

Are you a regular reader of English books? Why or why not?

Are you a regular writer of English in any way? Why or why not?

I wonder what they would say. If many of them answer "No" and have no identity as a reader or writer in English, can we really say that are English language program at ICU has been successful?

Also, I wonder what they will say about their identity or awareness as readers and writers in Japanese?


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