
RW/WW Atwell Chapter 2: Learning how to teach reading

This is Chapter 2 of In the Middle by Nancy Atwell, a book I'm reading together with a group of high school and college English teachers in Japan to discuss how English instruction can be improved. The idea is that Japanese learners of English, as beginners in reading and writing in English, can benefit from many of the methods that Language Arts teachers in English speaking countries use to help young or adolescent learners. The exchanges in the group are a wonderful opportunity for me to re-examine how I teach reading and writing, and I hope to introduce many of the good ideas I am picking up in my classes at ICU.

So...here's my summary and reaction.

Summary: Like with her writing instruction, Nancy Atwell's reading instruction originally consisted of assigning pieces of "great" teacher-selected literature to a passive, usually bored class, who then would read the required pages, do required comprehension tests, and listen at length to teacher lectures about how to interpret the literature. (Sounds like my high school literature classes) However, Atwell realizes that she is not inspiring her students to be geniune readers who love to read and talk about reading. She then switches to a "Reading Workshop" method which respects the rights of readers to select what they will read, to abandon books that don't work for them, and provides classroom time for readers to read and share their thoughts about reading with her and each other through conversations and dialogue journals. The chapter is full of student journal entries emphasizing how much they love reading now that they can select their own literature (usually adolescent novels, but often moving on to 'serious' literature.) and talk about it as they like.


p.28 "We select texts and assign them....We give tests to make sure they did the homework...We orchestrate discussions based on the questions in the manual...We talk a lot...But we rarely make time in class for students to read or allow them any say in what they read. And students almost never see their English teachers reading." →We demonstrate that:
"Reading is serious painful business...Students aren't smart or trustworthy enough to choose their own texts...Reading is followed by a test...Reading is a waste of English class time...."



  • 英語に関して言えばたくさんの本を親が家に置き、TVは禁止。その時に読者としての自分が成長しました。Atwellと同じく「読むしかやる事がない」時間が貴重だったと思います。
  • 日本語に関しては。。。やはり夏休み中などに自分で図書館などで選んだ本が最も印象に残ってます。高校の夏に読んだ遠藤周作の「沈黙」なんかが印象強いです(宣教師の息子ですし)。
  • 中国語:私の唯一の外国語である中国語の「読み」が好きになったのは山東省の大学に勤めていて、やっと勇気を振り絞って初めて本屋にいって自分で本を選んだ時でした。どんな本がいいのか人に聞く勇気もなく、表紙で選んだ警察物のフィクションからハマッていきました。時々ハズレもありました。自分で選ぶのはとても難しかった記憶が鮮明です。
p.30 "A new set of priorities for the secondary English curriculum emerges. Pleasure. Fluency. Involvement. Insight. Appreciation. Initiative"
p.36 "If we want our students to grow to appreciate literature, we need to give them a say in decisions about the literature they will read."


先学期からComprehension Questionsを出さなくなっただけ、学生のInitiativeとInvolvementは良くなったと思っています。今は"Read, summarize, and write your critical reactions notes to prepare for discussion."と自由な反応にしたので、学生の独自な視点が授業でたくさん出てきます。


p.44 "Clearly there were more audiences for dining room table talk than the teacher." (The importance of student interaction on dialogue journals and in sharing conversations.)


p.50 "One of the best things about teaching reading in a workshop, where I immerse myself and my kids in literature we love, is that teaching is lonesome no more." (because all of the workshop members are equally "readers".)





せめて数回ぐらいの授業では新聞や雑誌の記事などを学生に自由に持ってきてもらい、紹介して欲しいです。しかし、ICUはカバーしなければいけない難しいRequired Readingが多いのでその余裕なないと思ってしまっている自分がいます。



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