
RW/WW Atwell Chapter 7: Responding to Writers and Writing

Atwell describes how she interacts with students in two different types of writing conferences: content/craft conferences and editing/conventions conferences.

Content and writing craft focused conferences: These start with an open, listening-focused getting of "How's it going?" or "How can I help you?" and allow student authors to talk through difficulties they may be having in their writing and get advice from their teacher based on her much more extensive experience as a writer. Illustrating with examples from her class, Atwell emphasizes the importance of:
  • Giving support while the students are writing, not after they have written and submitted it
  • listening-letting the student describe the problem and possible solutions,
  • building on the positive aspects of what the student has done so far (rather than going to the negatives that you notice),
  • giving specific compliments of what is working, and to give honest questions about the points where the writers meaning is not clear yet, and
  • being patient about the long term progress of the student.
  • time management to make sure all students get chances for help,
  • preparing to take/give notes, and
  • keeping a balance between fostering independence for solving the problem and giving advice or ideas as a mentor while not intervening to the point of taking over the writing.
  • Ending the conference with "What will you do next?"
Another key skill Atwell aims to teach students is "How to have a writing conference with yourself," to enable students to have an inner dialogue about the quality of their writing in terms of focus of purpose, level of specific detail, effectivness of leads/conclusions/titles and style.

Editing/conventions conferences: Atwell believes that students will learn to use conventions well (as they write their draft, ideally) if they believe in the importance of writing well for an audience to read it easily. She also emphasizes that conventions should be taught mainly in one-to-one conferences (along with some whole class mini-lessons?) focusing on only 1~3 convention issues in the context of the piece of writing of the student and AFTER a number of preliminary steps: 1) the student author has already edited the piece with a different color pen based on a personal Editing Checksheet specific to the piece, and a personal Proofreading List in the writing notebook developed step by step over the weeks, and 2) Atwell has also edited with another colored pen.


"Students know that I will confer with them while they are writing, not after the writing is done."

現在EssayのDraftを提出させ、その数日以内に10分ほどTutorialと呼ばれる個人Conferenceをしています。幸い学生数やスケジュールの面でそれが可能なのでこの貴重な個人指導の時間が各学生と2~3週間に一度ほどのペースで持てます。Essayは600~1000語の長さなので事前に提出してもらい、私が読み、気づいたこののコメントを多少つけ、それを返却し、Conference学生はコメントの意味を確認したり、内容の相談をしたりして最終版のEssayを書く準備をします。Conferenceの内容は基本的にAtwellの"How can I help?" みたいなStyleですし個人的なadviceもいろいろできて、プロセス自体は学生にそれなりに良いサポートになっていると思っています。

しかし。。。問題:今の悩みはこのシステムを活用できていない学生がいることです。つまり、どうしてもDraftの期限までに十分に書けない(書かない?)学生がいて、あまりにも内容がまだ「目指す基準」のEssayから遠いので"Good luck with your research and writing"ぐらいしかアドバイスができない場合があるのです。学生としては難しく書けなかった、資料が見つからなかった、時間がなかったなど、理由はいろいろです。




My Proofreading Listの作成は是非やりたいな。私が作るChecklistではなく、学生自身がMini-Lessonなどから理解したポイントを自分でリストし、チェックする。すばらしいです。組み込みたいです。


追加:稚拙ですが、昨年2月にCambodiaの英語教師のための学会でWriting Feedbackに関するWorkshopをやりました。その時のスライドを以下に挿入します。理論があっても実践は難しいものです。。。

1 件のコメント:

  1. Feedback についてのPower Point Presentation
    拝見しました。 Academic Writingを同じく教える者として とても興味深かったです。 Self-feedback, Peer-feedbackをどのようにバランスよく、組み合わせてゆくか、

